15 Things To Do Before, During and After Meet Magento SG 2018

In the previous article, we have already told you a lot about the opportunities, which first-ever Meet Magento Singapore 2018 conferences give to the participants.
Today, we are going to tell you about what you must do at Meet Magento Singapore 2018. And just to remind about the importance of these events, we would like to highlight that Meet Magento is one of the best ways to get in touch with Magento merchants, developers and agencies providing Magento services. Also it is the great opportunity to get the latest Magento and eCommerce news. Nobody wants to miss out on the chance to meet new people, learn and get inspired by expert Magento speakers.
The list of this year Meet Magento SG 2018 speakers as usually includes only real industry experts who are ready to share their knowledges and experience with others.
Meet Magento Singapore 2018 speakers
10 Things To Do Before, During and After Meet Magento SG 2018
We have already give you a brief overview of upcoming Meet Magento conference, and now want to help you get the maximum benefits from it.
Any Magento conference can be very productive and fun, but you have to be ready invest a lot of time and energy. Not less important to be prepared before you go to such great event. We have prepared a special list of tips, which will help you get the most out of the conference. What should you do:
BEFORE Meet Magento SG 2018
- You need to determine in advance what specific outcomes you want to get from this event. Will people you want to meet participate? ( for example your partners or clients) Will the topics you are interested in discussed?
- Double-check Magento conference agenda. You should decide what sessions would be the most interesting for you. And manage your time accordingly. Click here to see the agenda for Meet Magento SG 2018.
- Decide what you will ask for an appropriate question based on the description of the session. Measure the commerce value of your interaction at any session.
- Contact your partners and clients you already work with to check if they are going to attend the upcoming conference. You can check their social pages (usually people use them to inform about such events). Also, you can simply email your colleagues and find out if they are going to fly to SG. If you have already known that they are going to participate, offer them to meet there during the lunch or coffee break.
- Google participants you want to meet, visit their social pages, websites, blogs, and learn as much as possible about their life and business. It will help you feel confident during the conversations and easily find the topics to discuss.
- Do not forget about such marketing tool as a business card that should include your contact information and company logo. Take some of these cards along.
DURING Meet Magento SG 2018
- Focus on making connections. Be confident and feel free to start conversations. Do not forget to use the information you prepared before the event. A real-life communication is much more useful than simply collecting a plenty of business cards.
- You have probably found out some information about some of the participants. Use it to ask pertinent questions. Ask not only about the business but also about the family, friends, hobbies.
- Do not forget to take notes. You will hear a great amount of new and useful information, so it will be more reasonable not to rely only on your memory, but also put the most important facts on the paper or make some notes on your device. There are any doubts that you will be happy to find everything fixed after the Magento conference is over.
- Make photos and videos. You will probably want to share the information obtained on Meet Magento SG 2018 with your colleagues and maybe on your website blog, or on social media. And the best addition to your posts will be the photos and videos reflecting the conference atmosphere.
- Not less important is to visit not just sessions, but also networking events. Drink coffee with your colleagues or with participants you have just met at this conference, go to lunch together or have a rest during the downtime.
- "Gone are the days of requesting a business card, asking the person to spell their name, or handing over your phone to make sure you found their profile". The next time you're at an industry event (#mmsg18) and meet someone that you want to keep chatting with, open the LinkedIn app and scan their QR code to connect and stay in touch
AFTER Meet Magento SG 2018
- The meeting is over, but the networking just starts. At the event you likely were making the acquaintances, meeting with your partners and clients.You may have the business cards from some of them. So now it’s time to put these newfound contacts to use. Use HubSpot Free CRM to organize your contacts.
- Get into touch with every contact within three days after Magento conference. The contact is still warm, so you won’t wasting time on a reintroduction. As everyone is busy after the event, you may need about 5 attempts to contact before you hear back. Try different methods of communication: email, phone and use social media.
- Marshal your notes from the sessions. Put all these notes in one place, it will help you remember the most important things you have learned at MMSG18. Now you can use them for your presentation as well as for writing a blog post.